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I am Milda Dapkeviciute, I call myself a citizen of the world as I lived in 6 countries, and visited 50 of them. I am also crazy about personal development, hotels, and events. So in 2021 I decided to put it all together and opened a Pandomes Aurora Igloo hotel in Finnish Lapland, where I do tours, host retreats or private meditation and coaching sessions and I run a hotel - all dreams came to one place!

And who could have guessed it will be Lapland?

So even though I studied tourism business, worked as a tour guide in 3 countries, and traveled the world, in the back of my head I wanted to empower people to take back control of their lives and still work with tourism.
Inspire them to live the best life possible, because it is short, even if you live till 110 years old. I use Human Design coaching to help you find your path, and you can get a consultation in person during your stay or book it online.
So in 2019, I got a life coaching certificate, in 2021 I and my partner built Pandomes, and in 2022 I started to combine both of the best worlds - facilitating events, coaching Human Design, and hosting people here, in Pandomes Aurora Igloo, Finnish Lapland.
Let’s unfold our best possible versions to enjoy life to the fullest.


When you want to run away from the world, connect with nature and work on what your heart truly desires - come to Pandomes in Finnish Lapland.

How I ended up in Arctic Circle?
Well, that’s a great question! 2019-2020 I was living in Luxembourg with crazy big plans, but then the pandemic hit. So I learned that the plans will not always go as I want, but I can still make the best out of any situation.
Because this opened the door to working from anywhere in the world, and my partner has a big crush on Finland, we decided to move back. We lived in Helsinki from 2016-2019. But why not take an extra crazy step and move to the arctic circle?
So it was kind of spontaneous as in October, we quit our jobs in Luxembourg, moved to Lithuania for winter holidays, and on the 10th of January 2021 left for the Finnish Lapland.
So from the moment on 1st of January when we decided that it was really happening, until the 10th when we left, we bought the first car for ourselves, packed it all, said bye to friends and family and set on a journey of 1500km. In the middle of the winter, the middle of a pandemic.
We made it! And decided that we don’t want to stay in an apartment, we want to be close to nature. At first, we wanted to buy land and build our own house. Ups, not a good idea. So then we decided to buy a house in nature to live a truly different experience and have enough space to build domes.
So in less than 2 weeks, we found a house, visited it, took care of financials, and moved in.
And it was available only because it was pandemic and it was used as a rental, so owners decided to sell it. Every crisis brings opportunities and we are responsible if we use them.

“When you dream big and don’t allow negative thoughts to come, anything is possible.”

During the first summer here in 2021, we prepared the land for the domes and started to build. It definitely took longer than expected but by the end of 2021, it was ready to welcome first guests!
During the 2022 summer, I also facilitated bigger events abroad to get more experience, check the Retreat section for past and upcoming events if you want to join or simply come visit Pandomes!
I am extremely grateful for you to read my story, but what is yours?
If you want to start a new chapter of your life using Human Design or simply retreating to arctic nature - let’s schedule a free intro call and see how can I help you to achieve your dreams!

With love and passion,